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The SKY|SPACE Art Project is inspired by three of the simple yet profound lessons we’ve learned from Space exploration:

We Live on a Planet;

We are all Earthlings;

& the Only Border that Matters is the Thin Blue Line of Atmosphere that Blankets & Protects us All.

Children in refugee centers, hospitals, & schools in over 35 countries around the world shared their own personal connection to our Sky & Space through their artwork.


With the creative talent of ABlok, their drawings & stories came to life together as one collective interactive video art piece.


The project is dedicated to the work of our friends at Sky Day Project & Sky Day 2019.


In September 2019 SKY|SPACE was showcased as part of our fundraising event at the White Porch Gallery in Miami. 


All of the children's artwork was transformed by ABlok into stars. When you stand in front of the screen, your body is made up of all these little stars. Then countdown to receive a picture of yourself as stars floating in space. 


Photo Mosaics created from all of the children's artwork

(Click on each mosaic to zoom in on artwork) 

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